Owner Financing Houses Available Across The Tri Cities (TN & VA)

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1208 E Sullivan Ct, Kingsport, TN, 37664

1208 E Sullivan Ct, Kingsport, TN, 37664

Price: $129,900

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1350-1450/month

603 Maryland Ave Bristol, TN 37620

603 Maryland Ave Bristol, TN 37620

Price: $199,900

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1650-1750/month

all of our available Houses


SOLD - Kingsport

5719 Orebank Rd Kingsport TN

Price: $100,000

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1000-1100/month

SOLD - Elizabethton

1840 W G St Elizabethton

Price: $279,900

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $2200-2300/month

SOLD - Greeneville

91 Hermitage St Greeneville

Price: $219,900

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1700-1800/month

SOLD - Hiltons

2325 Mendota Rd, Hiltons, VA 24258

Price: $69,900

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $650-850/month

SOLD - Kingsport

321 Sewanee Ave, Kingsport TN 37660

Price: $119,900K

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1150-1250/month

SOLD - Kingsport

205 Gravely Rd Kingsport TN 37665

Price: $129,900

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1200-1300/month

SOLD - Telford

140 Browning Rd Telford TN 37690

Price: $84,900K

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $850-950/month

SOLD - Kingsport

1208 E Sullivan St, Kingsport, TN, 37664

Price: $129,900K

Down Payment: 5-10% minimum

Monthly Payment: $1350-1450/month

About Buy Without A Bank

Hey there! I'm Caleb, owner of Buy Without A Bank & Favor Home Solutions

Yep, that's me with 2 awesome folks we got to help buy their very own house that we sold to them on owner financing.

My passion is helping people buy their very own house who may not be able to qualify for bank financing because they’re self employed, have lower credit scores or, sometimes, those who want to skip all the red tape that comes with a bank loan.

Buy Without A Bank is a division of Favor Home Solutions, which is a real estate investment company that buys houses in as-is condition that has been around since late 2016. In late 2019, we decided to help people BUY houses that couldn’t get approved for bank financing.

Here at Buy Without A Bank, we believe that Money Pays The BillsNot Your Credit Score — now if only everyone else had that line of thinking!! We only look at financial statements like pay stubs, bank statements and/or tax returns to see if you qualify. You are more than welcome to include a screenshot of your credit score from an app like Credit Karma, but we aren’t going to run a hard-pull against your credit whenever you buy a house with us.

Why People Love Working With Us: Transparency

If you look up Buy Without A Bank on the business look up search in the state of Tennessee, you’ll see it is not a registered business entity, but if you will see that Favor Home Solutions, LLC is a registered entity in the State Of Tennessee.

Why is that? We created Buy Without A Bank to have a separate online presence from our home buying website, so folks wouldn’t get confused between the home buying part of our company and the home selling part. So that’s where 2 separate websites come into play. But anytime we purchase a house or anytime we sell a house, it always happens through Favor Home Solutions, LLC

Why are we sharing this? Well, it’s pretty simple: we want to be an open book here. We aren’t trying to hide anything. We aren’t trying to be shady or do things incorrectly (or even illegally). We want to be 100% totally transparent with everyone we come into contact with. Plus, we don’t want to think you’re dealing with some shady/fake online scam because lord knows how many of those are out there.

If you have any further questions about our company structure/makeup or how we operate, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or text to our office at 423-607-8172 and we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have!

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